
Floral Denim Jacket

Multi Floral Denim Jacket

Details On Multi Floral Denim Jacket

If you are aware of the fashion statement, you must be mindful that Gen Z is mainly involved in oversized costumes. Hence, we can say that the product of eWingFly is a perfect blend of the old and the new or the general fashion statement.

eWingFly has a multicolor floral design that can take you back to the Victorian age. On the other side, we also have the design on oversized denim that will help you return to your generation. Hence here are some features that you may think of when speaking of our product.

We are presenting before you some of the most valuable features of our product that will make you think about the product, time and again. You will get the value out of this product by wearing it.

  1. Daily Use– Denim jacket is America’s invention, and we are proud of that. The quality that denim provides is ideal for regular wear. It is rough and tough and can be worn on every occasion, whatever it may be.
  2. Look– we are here to tell you about our product. The most important part of our product when it comes to looking is the multi-floral design that you get at the back of the jacket. This product has a long sleeve, riveted buttons, and beautiful designs. Many people will argue that the flower softens the rough and rugged look of the denim, but that is not true.
  3. Collars– Our product comes with a shirt collar, making it one in the classic section. Others come with mandarin and air-hostess collars, but only the classic ones come with shirt collars.
  4. Thickness– sometimes you need a jacket to protect yourself during the cold weather, and here we are. Our product comes with a thick lining inside the jacket to protect you from the cold during the winters.
  5. Stainless– The quality of our product is such that it does not catch stains easily. It takes very little time to deal with any colors on the denim, and the quality speaks in favor of the product.
  6. Fit– since it is an oversized denim jacket; we do not go for any fitting. However, you will always get the chance to customize your jacket. We will help you customize it, and we can give you valuable insights as to how to make it look better if you are running out of ideas.
  7. Cheap– you will never find anything so cheap as this particular product. This denim jacket with all the floral design and every other feature that we mentioned above is still a cheap one to purchase, and this Holidays season can be the best for you to buy this product.

These are all the features you can get if you choose Multi floral Denim Jacket from eWingFly. It’s winter, and there is no better time to purchase our product than this. We urge you to move forward and take the joy back home

A Quick Quality Check

Here is a list of things you will get in our product that you do not often get in denim.

  1. Fabrics– we have already given you a clear idea of the product. Now it is your time to make the most of this product. If you touch this product, you will feel the quality of the denim. You will not find any cut edges or some stitches that will make you uncomfortable while wearing. Hence, we can say that Multi floral Denim Jacket will best suit you.
  2. Unique– As far as design is concerned, we are very proud of our designers. They are one of the class designers, and they can make anything out of light denim. We trust our designers and can bet and say that the Multi floral Denim Jacket has a unique design and is made from long and tenuous brainstorming.
  3. Finishing– The Multi floral Denim Jacket has excellent finishing, and you will not find loose threads or any unfinished stitches that can cause you or the product trouble. The finishing is perfect, and it is checked by our supervisors time and again.
  4. Colour– We have shared our insight on fabric and stitches. However, we have forgotten to give a severe update. The color of this product will remain intact for a pretty long time. We have done our quality check, and we can assure you that the product we use to make the Multi floral Denim Jacket will pass all the tests and stand the test of time.

So here we have given out some of the important takeaways. You must check the product before you go for buying and if it satisfies you and matches all these features, only toucan buys our product.

How is this Jacket Made?

When speaking of Denim jackets, eWingFly know how it takes you back to a vintage time and makes you one of your own. We will give you a good insight into how the product we were continuously speaking about is made. This will help you understand our product better.

  1. Cotton cultivation- A farmer does the basic step by cultivating the cotton and then picking up the cotton balls. These cotton balls are eventually turned into fabrics using various processes.
  2. Processing into Yarn- this is the process when long threads are made out of those fibers. This process includes carding and spinning, and then they are charged to the line. This gives the denim.
  3. After Processes- the denim is then weaved, sewed, and goes through the finishing processes. During this process, the designer steps in, and quality checks start from the first step.

Final Product- After spinning and making the best product out of the spinning jenny, we get our own Multi floral Denim Jacket. This entire process gives us a glance at how things are made. We have tried to create good transparency, and we hope this will help you choose your product and our brand without any fear.

Things to Remember

Although we have given out a good amount of information about the denim jacket, we have left out the part where you choose as a consumer. In our experience, we can say that there are some critical mistakes that customers often tend to create, and here are some of them:

  1. They often tend to choose the wrong size of the garment. However, our product speaks of oversized clothes; however, it is also appreciated to take the correct large garment according to your size.
  2. Choosing the correct shade of blue or grey is also a key element. You can select a shade that goes well with each garment. Although our product gives you an excellent floral design that is deemed to suit anything and everything, you should still choose your fit and go ahead with it.
  3. Please choose the correct brand for yourself and go ahead with it. We are sure that our brand will give you a broad horizon and make the best out of you.

These are some critical points that you should never forget, even if you have the brand’s quality assurance. We tend to tell you this because we care about you, and we think the Multi floral Denim Jacket will give you a good exposure if worn correctly.

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